Monday, June 14, 2010

Recap: True Blood 3.01, Pack of Wolves

Here is my recap of this week's episode of True Blood, Pack of Wolves broken down by The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly aspects of the show.  Maybe there was too much hype leading up to the season premiere, but I was completely underwhelmed by this episode.  But with that said, I'm eager for the rest of the season.  Now, on to the recap!  

The Good

  • The vampire blood network of intrigue between the Queen, the Magister, Eric, Pam, and Lafayette.  Why is the Queen a broke ass?  Perhaps she should sell me that awesome fur she was wearing.  Also, I kind of love that the vampires consider giving blood to humans as a desecration.  Tangential to the blood intrigue:  Eric's vulnerability by being subject to the Queen's flip, near-sighted, insane ways.  He sees what's coming down the line and realizes he will be the fall vamp -- how he gets around this should be interesting.      
  • Jessica's whole story line.  Complete with trying to revive the dead trucker with her blood, being called by Bill, calling herself a "freak of nature" and not getting grossed out by crying blood anymore.  Bravo, Ginger.    
  • Pam. Pam in a hot pink knit suit. Pam in latex with red trim. Pam hitting on Sookie.  Pam being called by Eric.  Pam reasoning that Eric should tell the Queen about Bill's disappearance.  Pam intimidating Lafayette in the walk-in refrigerator.  Pam, Pam, Pam.  Any way you dice it Pam was fucking awesome in this episode.  She seems to be True Blood's new Lafayette because she had the better lines.  
  • Arlene is pregnant.  God help Terry.  Those two are going to be peculiar together for a long time.  
  • Eric's ass.  Really?  I think that is all I need to say.  
  • The wolves! Yipee! Bill's little line "I should warn you, I've fed" was pretty awesome.  Now where the hell is Alcide already?  

The Bad

  • One MAJOR complaint about this episode of True Blood as a whole:  I realize there is a large cast. I realize that they need to reconnect with the cast of 1,000s characters to establish them in the new season.  But do they have to do all of that in the first 30 minutes of the season premiere?
  • Arlene and Tara and the race card -- it feels old and tired.
  • Tara's mother, Lettie May.  I just want to see them go on a gin-fueled bender together.  
  • Bill glamouring that old lady with emphysema for blood and clothing.  Haven't we seen him do this before?  Or do we have to reestablish that Bill isn't such a nice guy so that Sookie can hook up with Eric?    

The Ugly

  • It's ugly that I have so little to say about Sookie in this episode.  Really, she was like vanilla pudding.  Her little self righteous diatribe about why the police should be looking for Bill was way too obvious.  Although I did kind of love it when she and Tara got in a cat fight.    
  • The Fuck You Crew?  That was the best name the writers could come up with?  
  • Jason's limp dick encounter with the vet school/bullet hole gals.  (Was it just me or were they twins?).  The fact that Jason would have erectile dysfunction after killing Eggs was just a little too...  errr.... on point.  Also, any growth that Jason seemed to accomplish at the end of the season is loooooong gone.  Case in point:  not realizing that Hoyt needed a place to stay.   
  • The smell of "dead opossums" under the house.  
  • Sam and Bill.  Just. No. 


  1. Okay all except the Bill and Sam kiss cause i kinda wanted to see a shower scene between the two of them.

  2. If it had been Eric and Lafayette, I would have been cheering them on. Bill and Sam just don't do it for me....
