Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sons of Anarchy Season 3: The Jax and Tara Trailer

Many thanks to @OliviaRoy and @kat_brown for the early heads-up on this. The Jax and Tara trailer for season three of Sons of Anarchy has hit the interwebs. What do ya'll think? I suspect there is some creative editing at play and/or selective disclosure on the future of Jax and Tara. (Side note: we need a nickname for them.  Jara? Taxa? Tarjaxa? Jar-Jar?)  It really looks like Jax is telling Tara to GTFO but looks could be deceiving.  With all of that being said, it might be a rough few early episodes for the Tarjaxa-shippers among us.


  1. Question answered! I also think there has to be some creative editing in the Jax and Tara promo. She's not going anywhere. From all the interviews it seems baby Abel will take much of the season to find. I'm glad to hear the season will only span a few weeks because I don't think I'd be able to stand the agony of watching the boys search for the kid over any long term situation. 1 of the biggest questions we'll need answered is how in the hell is Gemma going to get out her sitch and how are those boys going to duck the gun charges while traveling abroad? Reboot for season 4...well, that sounds like Jax will finally have his chi aligned by the end of season 3 and back in line for the throne. I hope he doesn't forget the little people on his climb to the top.

  2. Glad that I can share the links with other people who will obsesses over those 30 seconds just as much as I did lol.

    I think Kurt's Art of the Tease blog post reinforces that it's a ton of different clips that will make you think a zillion different things. I'm personally excited to see all this shit get, seemingly, figured out well enough that Kurt can reboot for season 4. Jax could be pushing away the person that means the most to him to keep her safe. And I kinda like Jaxter lol.

    I can't wait to get my season 2 DVD in the mail.

  3. Is is just me that has no sound on this video? i must look nuts hunched over my desk here at work trying desperately to read lips!

  4. Jenn, the volume works just fine for me. Did you get things sorted out? Or did you spend the rest of the day watching frame by frame? ;)

    Adventures, I was just thinking about the outstanding gun charges. It might be something to keep some of the SAMCRO boys at home.

    Kat, I didn't know you were "wade!" After reading the synopsis blurbs for episodes 1-4, I'm starting to get the feeling that Jax is going to talk about leaving the club... so maybe forcing Tara out of the house is done to protect her?

  5. Guilty as charged lol. I never realize how many usernames I have until I have to log into different accounts haha.

    I think you're right about that. It seems to be a protect those that are closest to you kind of thing. We hurt the ones we love the most. I freaking love those two. They can go through their shit as long as they're together in the end.

    PS it's so refreshing to be able to respond to you in more than 140 characters!!
