Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sons of Anarchy 2.10 Balm, Preview

Ready for this week’s installment of Sons of Anarchy?  Yep?  Me too.  But HOSHIT this episode is 90 minutes long, which means we should have high expectations and that I better flex my typing fingers and hope I don’t get carpal tunnel doing the recap.   One quick programming note:  I’m going to discuss some of the spoilers that have been out there in the interwebs.  I’ll do it after the photos so if you aren’t into the spoiler thing, you’ve been warned.  If you stick around, there will be a prize for you at the end.  I promise.
Okay, this week’s episode is entitled Balm, meaning “a soothing restorative agent.”  Either that or it means sap from a pine tree.   So I’m going with the restorative stuff unless SAMCRO is going to make inroads in the turpentine business. This week’s official synopsis from FX is very, very oblique and incongruous with what we see in the trailer informative:  
Agent Stahl (Ally Walker) takes notice at the handsome profits SAMCRO is reaping from the repo business. Meanwhile, the Jax- Clay standoff forces Gemma to make a difficult decision.

Now, on to the teaser trailer in which we see Piney telling Jax that Dead Daddy Teller saw this coming and that if he gives up they are all going to die bloody like they all do in Hamlet, Agent Stahl listening in to a wire while Tara is questioning Jax about leaving SAMCRO, Chibs kicking ass in the IRA-run Army Navy Supply Store of Nefarious Gunrunning, a glipse of Jimmy O, Tig looking crazy out in the desert, Gemma telling Jax that she thinks Dead Daddy Teller’s death was an accident (OMFG ARE WE ACTUALLY GOING TO GET SOME CLUES ABOUT THIS!?!!?!), and Clay telling Jax that he wants him gone (duh).

And, last but not least, the photos from Balm that don’t really tell us much.  Unless you count what appears to Opie getting his kids on/off the school bus.

Are you still here?  Ready for the spoilers?  Here goes:

  • The truth about Gemma’s gang rape is going to come out in Balm.
  • More problems might be brewing for Tara at St Rednecks.
  • Jimmy O plays a big role in the next few episodes
  • Chibs and Fiona get caught in between SAMCRO, the IRA, and the ATF
  • Yet more trouble at Caracara. 
Sources for this can be found here and here.  And I swear, hand to God, that I read this somewhere but for the life of me can’t find the link.  Tig trips on shrooms out in the desert, loses it, and lets the cat out of the bag about Donna.  I’ll keep looking to the link and update when I find it.  

Your prize for sticking around to the end?  A Sons of Anarchy drinking game.  Enjoy!

That’s it.  I’m going nomad.  kayteadee

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