Yeah, I totally tricked you with the title. The news is that there is no news. Just a long, painful gulf of time between now and September. But! There are a few interesting links to fill our time. Only 7 more months to go. Dear Sweet Baby Able, I've resorted to fanfic.
But I'm totally going to make you wait for a blog post on that one..... Mwahahaha. Also, Gemma's sunglasses are in my sights. Soon my
Entering the category of Sons of Anarchy newbies, Television Zombie has a
review of Season 1 of SOA. Welcome to the club. Nice of you to get with the times of 2 years ago. Spare me the bellyache when you blow through Season 2 and then have nothing left to do for like a whole month before Season 3. Pshaw!
From the shameless fangirl department, you can always go pick up your Mrs. Charlie Hunnam
keychain. That thing kinda makes me laugh but also makes me shake my head in dismay. Also, in the shaking head category: Kurt Sutter's house is apparently on the market but I'm not going to link to it because, frankly it totally gives me the fucking creepers on an invasive personal level.
The SAMCRO Podcast, featuring Angela in Minneapolis and The Crow Blogger has a
new installment discussing women in MCs. Meanwhile, Girl of Mayhem has a new Sons of Anarchy podcast which is quite good so go give her a
listen. Speaking of podcasts... there is a
podcast where they sort of discuss Sons of Anarchy but really, their discussion is so thoughtless and piss poor, that you should only endure their prattle if you are seriously desperate.
The shit I endure for this blog. If you must, start at minute 23:00
Tangentially related: Drea De Matteo, who played Wendy in Season 1, has adjusted to being
typecast as a stereotypical Italian American.
Uh paging Snookie. But no mention of SOA. Was she typecast as Wendy because she has sort of played tough women, regardless of ethnicity? Discuss amongst yourselves.
Looking forward to Season 3? Rippin Kitten has a nice round up of the Season 3
spoilers and speculation.
And last but certainly not least, my pals over at Sons of Anarchy Portugal did a fantastic
interview with Michael Marisi Orstein who plays Chuckie on Sons of Anarchy.
Also. Post Script: The LSH is
tweeting and
blogging. Go pester him into writing a guest blog post.