Monday, November 1, 2010

Sons of Anarchy, Season 3, Episode 8 Lochan Mor, Recap

So previously on As the Harley Rumbles, we were going to Belfast ya'll and in Lochan Mor (the big pond), SAMCRO has arrived and shit is going on in Charming. Anywho since the action was split by location, I'm going to do the same thing with the recap. To the recapmobile!

Warning: contains profanity, irritation with the main character--aw hell, most of the primary characters-- and general crankiness.

SAMCRO arrives in Belfast ready to kick some ass and get Abel back have tea and party down. The Sons arrive in a swirl of political intrigue between SAMBEL, Jimmy O, and the IRA. Frankly, I don't trust any of these assholes. Maybe McGee. Maybe. However, the rest of those McBastards can go suck a dick. Like for seriously. First, Jimmy O was trying to get SAMCRO deported before they even arrived in Belfast. Then, the IRA tried to send a message by shooting up Fiona and Kerrieanne's transport. Then, Jimmy O and Liam were scheming about something that we'll find out about in the next episode. And, finally, there's the shit with Father Ashby at the end. It makes my head hurt.  
While Clay cleverly coerces the corrupt Gardai into letting the Sons slip away from Jimmy's evil clutches of deportation, that's about the only thing that goes well for SAMCRO in Belfast. You need to look no further than one Jackson Teller for a source of general dumbassery. Blah blah blah, Jax is going to Belfast to get his kid. Like he's been talking about getting his kid back for the last two weeks/eight episodes. But he does jack shit about it. I know, I know. It's what Hamlet would do. Jax arrives in Belfast and and what does he do? Does he insist on seeing Kellan Ashby like now motherfuckers? Nope. He has tea with Maureen, nearly makes out with his secret half sister, tosses back a few beers, boxes with Liam, gets creepy flirty with his half sister again, and then is finally summoned by Ashby.  

I don't know how much more clearly Kurt Sutter can make his point: Jax doesn't think that he deserves to be happy and to have his son back given his choice to live as an outlaw. Jax is drowning in self loathing and it's overwhelming. When I watched the episode the first time, I thought that Ashby's vow that Abel will be home with his loving family was a bit of the good Father's trickery that Jax didn't notice. But after a second and third watch, I wonder if Jax caught Fr. Ashby's drift. At this point, I think that Jax hates himself so much that he would give up his child to ensure that Sweet Baby Abel would be safe. Jax has already kicked Tara to the curb in a way that he obviously disgraced himself. 

My rambling, vodka-fueled rage does have a point and here goes: Abel isn't coming back to Charming. If Jax keeps on this trajectory, Abel's happily ever after is what Kellan Ashby says it is and that HEA isn't with Jax. (Side note: Did anyone else pick up on the Kellan Ashby was John Teller's "spiritual advisor" in the SOA app? What is this guy? An Irish Catholic cult leader?) Mark my words, Abel is going to live to see the end of the season, but he'll never be crossing that pond. Now, that could change if Jax decides to MAN THE FUCK UP and get The Kid Back already. But something has to happen to trigger Jax's decision to pull up his big boy panties and just deal with the situation. 

But lest we think that the whole trip to Belfast has been a total bust, at least Chibs was reunited with his family. Oh ya'll I totally cried when the Chibs/Fiona/Kerrianne hug went down. So. Very. Touching. Of course it won't last for long and one of them is likely to end up dead, knowing this show.

I'm leaving out a lot here in the interest of catching up time but of course there were other interesting things going on in Belfast. Gemma is in despair and fear being separated from her family while in prison. All of the scenes with Gemma and Maureen were pure brilliance. And last but certainly not least: WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL JAX AND TRINITY BEFORE THEY KISS OR FUCK OR SHOWER TOGETHER OR SOMETHING. Okay, yes, I feel better now. But that whole situation is totally skeeving me out.

Meanwhile, back in Charming, there's a lot of story building going on so the Sons will have plenty awaiting them when they return from Belfast. Can I tell you how much I love the idea of Tara, Chuckie, Tig, Kozick, and Piney running Teller-Morrow Automotive while everyone is gone? Like that could be the best spin off sitcom.  Anyways, Tara and Lyla bond over differing degrees of secret babies and decisions about what to do about said secret babies. Lyla proves herself to be neither stupid nor naive--and a wee bit hilarious with the alias she gave the abortion clinic.  Jax (and Opie) can talk about old ladies and keeping them on the inside or the outside all they fucking want. Jax may want to do the noble, self sacrificing thing, but the fact of the matter is that they aren't they only ones making relationship decisions in this universe and thank God that Tara and Lyla are the ones making the decisions.

Finally, we got a glimpse into the dynamics of the Tig/Kozick relationship. Apparently their fued is over a woman that Tig love 8 years ago. And that he thinks of her every day. Uh. I'm hoping that we don't actually ever meet this woman because that bit of knowledge is terrifying.

There was a lot more that happened in Charming--Jacob Hale, Salazar, Unser, Margaret at St. Rednecks--but I'm just going to leave things here for now. Your thoughts? The comments section awaits....

As always, a very special thanks to @amonmich for the screen caps. Go check out her blog


  1. It was interesting to see that prospect cut and run...I don't blame him for realizing he's not cut out for the life of crime, but didn't he know that SAMCRO wasn't just a bunch of recreational motorcycle enthusiasts?

  2. The Jax and Trinity flirtation better stop by the next episode. I seriously can't handle it. Gemma, Maureen, (and thanks to the app we also know that Clay and, Father Kellan know these two are related) Someone needs to open their mouths and let them know already, or at
    least let Trinity know. I'm still holding out hope that Jax is just flattered by her flirtation but, has no real interest of letting anything go to far. *fingers crossed*

    I for one think Abel will return home in the arms of his loving biological family. Gemma would never leave with out that baby no matter what Jax says. I bet she uses Tara's pregnancy on Jax, to make sure Abel gets back home.

    I don't think all of SAMBEL are traitors. People like Chibs nephew and, the guy who was driving the truck with Gemma, they seem like good guys! But as far as Liam, Jimmy and Father Kellan, those McBastards need to die! I'm still not sure where McGee's true loyalties lie.

    I don't think Tara will go through with the abortion. Or something/someone will stop her from at least getting to her appointment! (Hello, Salazar)

    I'd totally watch the Teller-Morrow spin off!

  3. Geoff, I thought the same thing. I wonder if these new prospects are just kept out the outside of SOA's criminal enterprise completely until they are full members. Did you recognize the cowardly prospect as Bubbles' junkie buddy from The Wire?

    Vanhrh, i wonder if Gemma revealing the truth about John Teller might be the thing that makes Jax pull himself out of his self pity and take some action. That little SOA revelation about Clay knowing about Trinity is very, very interesting.

  4. That whole Irish thing is bugging the hell out of me. Because Jimmy has actually played NO role in Abel's abduction. He started out trying to buy time and now he's just trying to keep a bullet out of his ass.

    Liam and McGhee are idiots because Jimmy is using them temporarily. Do they know that he eventually plans to eliminate the SAMBEL-IRA relationship in favor of younger recruits and more money? I think if this knowledge comes out, McGhee at least turns his back to Jimmy and puts 100% of his loyalty toward his patch. Liam should just die.

    Father Kellan is the real villain in my eyes. He's the one using Jax and Abel to do his IRA dirty work. All that righteous crap about saving young Irish men and putting Abel with "loving family" is BS. He's pushing his own agenda. Period.

    It's odd how Gemma placed herself in the middle of Jax and Tara during season one to "protect her son" but she's now pretty cavalier about protecting him from boning his sister. Usually, I love Gemma, but she picks the wrong battles where her son's love life is concerned.

    If John was anywhere near as screwy as Jax, I no longer blame Gemma for possibly having a hand in offing him and settling with Clay. Clay may be a ruthless SOB, but he's at least loyal and capable of making clear decisions. Can't say the same for those Tellers.

  5. Amen! Love this. McBastards... you are awesome. Strongly wishing I had an iPhone/Pad right about now. I need to look up those screencaps again! I had about the same feeling with Abel. Jax might make the decision to leave him for the good of the club/Momma Gemma/his conscious. Especially if he's already with another family. But I'm not sure how Gemma would factor in there. Like Vanhrh said, I'm thinking she wouldn't go for that! And what about Wendy? How and when the hell does she figure into things?

    During the pre-fight/knuckle taping/ick scene, I just knew Gemma was headed to put the smack down on Jax/Trinity! But alas... getting laid is apparently the priority. God, I hope this doesn't stretch on for too long.

    It was kind of weird that Cherry wasn't at the party. She's grown on me.
