Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sons of Anarchy, Season 3, Episode 5, Turning and Turning Recap

Previously on Sons of Anarchy As the Harley Rumbles, Jax was a shit, Gemma FINALLY found out about Abel, and Piney was awesome. During Turning and Turning, things certainly didn't get any better for anyone in or connected to SAMCRO.

I don't know about ya'll but this season fills me with a sense of uneasiness. With every episode and every plot point, I feel a growing sense of uncertainty for the characters that I love and what terrible thing might happen to them in every scene. And I'm okay with itAlthough, it does make me feel like an idiot to have gotten so excited all day Tuesday only to feel like my heart has been ripped out at 11:00 pm that night. Why is Sons of Anarchy shaping up the way it has? I've boiled it down to this: either Kurt Sutter wants us to feel the same uncertainty that the characters are feeling or he wants to see if we'll follow the characters into the abyss of violence, anger and manipulation to see what things look like on the other side. Either way, I'm in. Now, on to the recap! In many ways, Turning and Turning was all about secrets--keeping secrets, revealing secrets, and creating new secrets.

We open at St. Rednecks where Gemma is recovering from her not-heart attack while simultaneously in custody because of her not-surrender to the ATF. And wouldn't you know it, the Beautiful Queen of Bikers is pissed that everyone lied to her about The Kid for trying to protect themselves from her wrath. But now that everyone finally knows that Sweet Baby Abel is in Belfast thank God because that only took 5 bloody episodes, what stones might get unturned when Jax shows up? Gemma and Clay looked more than concerned, didn't they? What secret are the keeping from Jax? I'm guessing that Trinity will be the tip of the iceberg. 

Gemma and Tara have a moment and it's not a happy one nor is it badass. It's painful and cruel. The first time I watched it, I thought OMFGWTF how could Gemma do that to Tara. But, when I watched the scene a second time, I read Gemma's "Nothing you could have done about that? What if it was your baby? Your flesh and blood?" as cruel, yes but also coming from a deep well of pain that Gemma has from being away from her family and being lied to. Perhaps in their closeness, Gemma felt that she could lash out at Tara because the good doctor is in it for the long haul. After all, Gemma did say that Tara being pregnant was good for now but didn't elaborate because she couldn't influence Jax chained to a hospital bed. (Ut-oh. I think I'm a Gemma apologist.) 

I think when Tara broke down and started crying, Gemma knew why she didn't take a bullet or do more to stop old Cammie Hayes. Pregnant. Yeap. Pregnant. Tara isn't going to be able to keep that secret for very long, is she? I can't really decided whether Tara got herself knocked up on purpose or not. Condoms break and the pill is only 99% effective. However, Tara is a smart girl so she knows the formula for getting pregnant (knocked up = ovulation + hot sexy times with jax - birth control). I'm not convinced either way. What about ya'll? There's a poll up at the top right hand side of the page, now go cast your vote.  

Yay! Finally! Juice gets some screen time...
only to get his cut stolen and the shit beat out of him.
Meanwhile, Bobby-Elvis, Juice, Tig go out to sell their accumulated roids at Lumpy's Boxing Club where there seems to be some crafty developer at work buying up old parcels so he can put in a Pottery Barn, Starbucks, Williams Sonoma, and Banana Republic. Things are not good, yo. The enemy is battering the walls of Castle Elsinore. And then shit gets worse when the boys go to sell Adderall to the Chicken Man when Juice gets jacked by the Calaveras. (Psssst. Hey, hook a sister up and sell that it me! It's a performance enhancing drug in academia. I shit you not.)

At least the picture of Chuckie is nice. He looks happy, no?
Their solution? Infiltrate Mayan Janatorial Supply/Meth Cuttery of Doom with the help of Chuckie. Yay! I love Chuckie but why did he have to get beaten up in the process? I prefer my Chuckie happy and serving coffee and banana bread at the Crow's Nest. Or masturbating in front of customers at Teller-Morrow Automotive. Anyways, the Mayans are building up resources and facilities to run their dugs in right through Charming. Not. Good. Not good at all.

Finally, over at ATF Bitchface's bland condo, Jax shows up with a present and a deal. He wants reduced gun charges for SAMCRO, a walk for Gemma, and The Kid back in exchange for his delivery of Jimmy O and his signed statement about Jimmy's involvement in the gun trade. I never knew snitch would suit Jax so well. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. I mean, what could go wrong when you rat out a business partner, all the while keeping it a secret from your Outlaw MC? I mean, there is nothing that could possibly go wrong with that deal. Because Sons of Anarchy never plays up the consequences of its characters bad decisions. Nope. Never, ever, ever.
The thing is that Jax doesn't have very many options outside of striking this deal with Agent Bitchface. She's got Gemma cowed in a hospital bed, ready to cut a deal. The Sons are set to go away to jail for a while. And that's not to say that they won't go to jail anyways because they will. Sometimes the devil you know, is better than the devil you don't and Jax is trying to make the best of the situation. And the situation is dire. Shit just keeps getting worse and worse (see above: my growing uneasiness) Is this the right decision? Only time will tell. But whatever happens, you can bet that it's going to land on Jax -- good or bad. 

Bits and Pieces
  • Stahl's line, "Hey, I'm in the room kids." was great. 
  • "Who's Maureen Ashby?" asked Jax. Darlin, you better sit your ass down for what's about to come next. 
  • I loved the way Clay cock blocked Unser when he came to pay Gemma a visit at the hospital. (Side note: it's a proud day when you need to search the Urban Dictionary to find out if it is cock block or cockblock)   
  • Trinity is a brat. Must run in the family.
  • Clay holding the mirror while Gemma plucks her eyebrows. As if we needed any more confirmation of who wears the pants in that relationship.
  • How much sugar did Jax put in that cup of coffee? I was expecting the stir stick to stand straight up when he put it in the cup.
  • I really want to see Chibs cut Jimmy O from ear to ear. Wouldn't that be poetic justice?
  • Tara's request for a leave was denied. I am so loving what they are doing with Hospital Administrator Bitchface that I might have to make up a new nickname for her.
  • What did Jax do with Luke's driver? Wouldn't he sound the alarm to Jimmy O in Belfast?
As usual, the photos are from Bobby Elivs' Bake Sale so thanks to @amonmich for the images. 

Also, also: don't forget to vote in the Did Tara Get Pregnant on Purpose Poll at the top, right side of the page.


      1. I actually loved this episode. Probably because my favorite thing about Jax (other than that gorgeous tattooed body of his) is his brain. Strategic Jax > Reactive Jax, so it was great to see him finally take control. It's one helluva calculated risk so I'm curious to see how it'll pan out.

        I finally understood why Jax is pissed at Tara playing bad ass. She's trying to toughen up to compensate for letting Abel get away. Jax is all "If you were really built like that, Abel wouldn't be missing. So quit faking and go back to work." Not saying it's right, but it makes sense now.

        Jax and Stahl were brilliant in those last 5 minutes. But seriously, did we have to make Stahl a hard ass bisexual? Could've done without that.

        Deep down, I think Chibbs wants Jimmy to cross Jax JUST so he can get vengeance. He's been waiting for this one for a looooong time.

        Sutter said on Twitter today that the condom broke because like him, Jax is hung. Lol.

      2. I agree about the Gemma lashing. I think it was her way of venting her frustration and she feels comfortable with Tara. Plus it was her way of confirming Tara's pregnancy in some way.

        BTW I love your Blog and look forward to reading it after every episode

      3. Yep, I've had a sick feeling every episode this season. Actually, it started around the last half of the season 2 finale. Ay yi yi. So happy Jax actually took some action this episode! Probably a lousy idea for him to deal w/ Stahl, but really... what else is he supposed to do? Better to deal w/ the devil you know - exactly.

        I'm thinking somewhere between on purpose and not for the pregnancy. I'm definitely sure she wasn't opposed to the possibility... Ug. Talk about bad timing. I want to give her a hug. Not trusting Bitchface, but at least someone was nice to the girl! It's a little unsettling though. Kind of like how we see a smiling, charming Jax for the first time this season w/ Stahl of all people. WTF, dude?

        SBG - good point on the Jax/Tara dynamic. Makes sense. Stahl as bi worked for me... she uses sex to control.

        I wonder if the 'June Wedding' episode title later on refers to Stahl in some way?

      4. This episode punched me in the stomach and still hasn't let up. Sutter did listen to us about the Juice screen time only to kick us in the proverbial nuts by making him a bitch. Seriously, when he got in the van I screamed at the tv. The level of stupidity in that move was beyond even Juice level. When he walked in without his cut I seriously stopped breathing, losing a cut is worse than death, there is going to be some serious shit going down this season. It looks like he gets some vengeance next week but that won't be the end of it. The only good thing about this is that Juice is bound to get more screen time and an intense storyline but if Sutter messes with him and takes him off the show I will cut a bitch.

      5. Oh and Gemma being in the hospital has totally exposed Clay. Nothing about him in this episode said "bad ass biker." He was 100% doting husband and I loved it.

      6. SBG, I agree with your take on Jax's frustrations with Tara's attempts at playing bad ass. A more positive take on it might be something like this: Jax thinks that Tara is more/better than just being a bad ass old lady. That might be why he's being so overly protective with his whole GTFO attitude with Tara.

        I'm glad that I'm not the only one who has felt uneasy this season. Sometimes the show is downright uncomfortable to watch but in a very satisfying way. I know, it sounds crazy.

        I wasn't surprised that Stahl swings both ways and it didn't really bother me. Perhaps because it was handled in a very matter of fact way. Stahl is a user - whether it is power, sex, control, advancement whatever.

        I think that if the circumstances change and either Jax or Stahl is no longer on equally desperate footing, the deal (and how it plays out) is likely to change.

      7. So happy I found your blog! I'll def. be commenting on the next recap but, for now I just wanted to let you know you've got yourself another reader!
