Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Put this in your earhole

Fire up your iPods, kids!  My very talented and dear friend David Zaidain has a new album titled "The Art of Forgetting."  It is for sale at Amazon RIGHT NOW for a whopping $6.99 so go buy it.  All the cool kids are doing it.  Even me!  That's right, Dave is making me buy it so it's not like I have totally whored myself out.

I love this album.  You will like it.  I'm totally biased but it rocks.  So far my favorite tracks are "Shedding Skin" and "The Man Next to Me."  

Need more reasons other than "Kayteadee told me to do it?"  Well, look at this cool cover art by Paul Jutton.  


Do you still need more reasons?  Ya'll are a tough sell.  Okay, then, you should know that Dave self-produced this album.  Paid out of his own pocket to make it.  That's pretty fucking respectable.  In fact Dave is such an all-around great guy that when he moved to DC he stayed with the LSH and I when he was trying to find a apartment and HE IS STILL SPEAKING TO US.

So go buy the album, and if you are in the DC area, you can catch him live at Asylum on April 28.  



  1. Ummm...what genre is said CD?

  2. Alternative? I'd say if you like the Foo Fighters, you will like this. You can listen to samples of all the tracks on the link to Amazon.

  3. Greatest album since Thriller. Well worth the $7.
